Kingdom Sports Ministry provides a safe place for Ocean View youth to go after school. Since its creation, KSM has expanded to other Cape Town communities. KSM provides activities, a basic meal, sports education and ministry to youth. They serve as an alternative outlet for the children from the overwhelming gang presence in the community.

Our Mission

To connect people with God and one another through sports and recreation, fulfilling the great commission through the power of the Holy Spirit.

2023 Accomplishments

In 2023, God has blessed us by being able to support the kids in Ocean View in the following ways:

  • Soccer gear donations of soccer balls, boots, uniforms, and more were brought to Ocean View.

  • Purchased 40 coats to keep the kids warm during the winter months.

  • Purchased 40 pairs of school shoes.

  • Provided for ministry van expenses (insurance, petrol, and maintenance).

  • Sent 50 kids to Christmas Camp.

Thanks to all who donated to help keep this ministry going!