2021 KSM Updates From the Barnes Family


2021 started with a lot of anxiousness amongst everyone. Many of our Timothy’s ministry leaders and youth had anxiety due to many Lockdown Covid-19 regulations. Scriptures clearly reminded us aboutPsalm. 46:2-4; John 14:27 & Phil. 4:6-8 BUT we kept pushing the agenda of Jesus died for our sins so we can see another year and share the gospel freely!


South Africa updates I write to you this update on 22 March which is a National Public holiday commemorating Human Rights Day in South Africa. Many older folks who survived the Apartheid years & still living today has never been through counselling for what happened to them during the harsh times. Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that existed in South Africa from 1948 until the early 1990s. If you have time, watch the film Invictus and see the power of Sport to bring a nation together!

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We see the negative effects it brought upon their kids and grandchildren mindsets within our ministry on a daily basis. We often share their stories to the youth and we reassure them that there is forgiveness and freedom in Christ Jesus once we give our lives fully to the Lord.


I continued online CSRM Training with participants across Africa and managed to have a physical training with 18 church leaders from all 9 provinces in South Africa. The rest of family pushed the Covid limits taking the Gospel to the streets with our community kids as we just miss them too much.

Joslyn had fun days with kids and we pray it continue despite the dangers to her and kids’ safety but it’s our lifestyle so daily we press on! More pics can be seen on our website www.kingdomsportsministry.org


We were able to feed a few more needy families with the last Covid funds available and we Must THANK everyone for the generous support towards this Covid Feeding project, much appreciated! A new sport ministry partnership started with the J316 Soccer Ministry and we look forward to welcoming the J316 intern, Jordan in the coming weeks. A huge thank you to PF Meyers for enabling us to use the Jesus film kit as we reached out to 1352 people to date in the areas I have travelled & was able to share Christ.