Winter greetings from Cape Town South Africa!

South Africa updates We as a family moved into a new community and we settling nicely by God’s

grace. Thanks for all the prayers and support.

The long years of hard work & prayers finally came to fruition with the ministry van finally branded.

The past 2 months June & July was very challenging to connect with all our wonderful people across

South Africa and Africa including Mauritius as Loadshedding (National electricity blackouts). I had to

really request a lot of patience from the Lord due to my character of getting things done, it surely tested

one of the fruits of the spirit (Patience) within my soul. May month was all about connecting with our

African leaders in the midst of power shortages. WhatsApp was the only communication to do follow up

discipleship. July month I was privileged to have partnered with our National Sport Minister which

enabled me to do life coaching with national sport coaches as well as share my testimony with over 1300

youth at the National School Sports Winter Championship. This amazing opportunity also gave some of

our ministry youth an opportunity to be part of this prestigious event where they were able to share about

their faith journey. We managed to distribute over 2000 gospel tracts in forms of soccer ball & flyers.

We had many outreaches during June month been its Youth Month in South Africa. We were delighted to

see our then kiddies, now young adults leading sport outreaches across our Country! It’s not always that

we witness the fruits of our laboring what a delight in brought to my heart seeing these youth equipping

other youth despite their own life challenges. Church leaders were equipped and communicated youth

participants have increased within their church ministry.

A wonderful engagement happened when our Board Chairlady, Kathy organized with her friends

travelling from USA to South Africa blessed us with sport equipment much needed and more so with their

powerful prayers over our lives. Thanks Bobbi & team as the timing was perfect for me personally.

Through this support we managed to get all of our youth into playing regular weekly soccer and delighted

to share that it opened up a door for me to train up soccer coaches in Leadership and character building

which is now ongoing through the soccer club. GOD again amazed me and reminded me of his promise

that HE will never let his children stand ashamed and it was evident when I could be able to witness our

ministry youth run proudly on the sport field with descent sport equipment.

We appreciate the J316 Soccer Ball Ministry support specially brothers PF Meyers, Jordan & Butch!