GREETINGS from The Most Southern Western tip of Africa with awesome July 2020 updates!


We stand in awe of how GOD just showed up with an excess of Grace and good health to our family. GOD is doing something incredible and you can be a part of it! July month is normally the toughest month of the year for many as it’s in the heart of Winter when jobs dry up for our fishing industry livelihoods and sports ministry activity must stop due to cold air and heavy rains.

However, it’s been the most thankful month for us personally even with adding July month with the peak season of our countries Covid – 19 Pandemic. I personally experienced a warm July 18 Birthday and realized how much Grace is upon my life and the faithfulness of the Lord. I remember vividly the days in 2009 when I asked the Lord to flood Africa with church sports and recreational ministry all alone in our Ocean View family house, a now fulltime missionary house! Well, fast forward into July 2020 CSRM afforded me the opportunity to head up the African continent through church sports & recreational ministry. To date many churches have been planted, many lives saved, many disciples still been discipled, many mission teams hosted & many countries & airport staff receiving the Gospel that came into contact with me! What a huge seed GOD planted in my life in 2010 through a passionate sport mission team lead by Mr. De Jonge, now Mrs. Sakala & JD, a seed that catabolted me into heights that remind me of Isaiah 43.

July highlights: Covid-19 Relief Fund fed 2855 people to date! Yes, a little amount invested but with a pure heart can feed the multitude so Thank You Very Much from the Barnes tribe! A successful and completed online CSRM leaders training impacted 4 African countries as we adapt to the new CSRM online 4C strategy of Consulting, Connections, Certification and conferences. The new leaders connected, we consulted and soon they will be certified and invited to our hopeful 2021 African Conference.

A soccer player I coach gave his life to the lord and he was the first person to question why I am coaching an unsaved team knowing what I stand for, my reply to him months ago was: Let’s see what GOD can do at this club, so guess who GOD saved 1st ! On a saddened note, today as I write to you, we laid to rest a soccer ministry youth who was shot 12 times in a case of mistaken identity as police reported. The boy has been with our ministry for 5 years .

Now, so thankful for beautiful and genuine people in our ministry that has such a positive impact on lives all over Africa without them yet knowing as they invest time and wisdom in our ministry, you know who you are . Too many to mention by name and words wont equal your investments and valuable time willingly devoted to our ministry. Enjoy the following photos of our Grace filled July 2020 ministry.

~ Bradley & Joslyn Barnes