AUGUST “Women’s Month” 2020 updates from the Barnes Family!


We stand in awe of how GOD just showed up with an excess of Grace and good health to our family. GOD is doing something incredible and you can be a part of it! August month we dedicated to all females around the world and we took a strong stand to say NO TO GENDER BASED VIOLENCE specially against females as well kids. I personally know of males been abused by females as well so we not excluding any gender hence we declare a war against GBV! However, We, along with stakeholders celebrated all females through a powerful Women’s March on Women’s day 9th August in Ocean view as well as in other communities in South Africa. More pics of the marches will be uploaded on our website

Covid-19 has really pushed us as a ministry to a new level of trusting GOD for the many youth and ministry leaders around South Africa and beyond in various parts of Africa. It personally brought my wife and I to a point of just surrendering more & more to the Helper, Provider, Healer, Comforter and only Father Christ Jesus......Why, well after receiving overwhelming requests for food from both males and females across Africa let alone just the Ocean View ministry kids parents, we believe you cannot teach a hungry person hence we tried to help as many as possible but realizing when we give it to GOD then HE makes all things possible. Thank you to all that contributed and still contributing towards our Covid Feed.

August highlights:

We are thankful that we are now able to operate from a family laptop for online schooling due to Covid-19 as well as a Coved ministry laptop for myself to be able to continue leading and raising up dedicated disciples throughout Africa through the various social media platforms. Special thanks to the Ladies Kathy & missionaries Emily & Reagan for Laptop support!

The gospel Living ball is making its way around the African Continent and just amazed how many African countries we were able to bless with the Gospel through a soccer ball! Thanks to the Living Ball Ministry leader, Mani for support! Coach Todd from Ireland surprised our ministry with fantastic tools to use. The new believer soccer player I mentioned last month is actually believing Coach Todd is a soccer coach after he got a sneak preview of my “Meet my Head Coach” book that will be launched soon!

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Another highlight is our new Hip Hop street dance ministry launched during Covid-19 by a now young adult boy, Niepie who came to our ministry house doorstep before he even could walk properly in a dipper! Huge thanks to missionary Kyle for ongoing love and support shown to our community and specially theses young boys! A grateful and heartwarming appreciation to so many of you who support our ministry specially through prayer as it’s the biggest investment required; you know who you are .

Too many to mention by name but CSRM family we say “baie dankie”/ Thank you very Much for believing in the life we live for GOD.

~ Bradley & Joslyn Barnes