OCTOBER – NOVEMBER 2020 updates from the Barnes Family!

Firstly, apologies for late newsletter & update... I just just managed to build strength after many family & ministry kids deaths we had to experience and support in the past 2 months, forgive me.

The past 2 months was really a mental warfare as we were in lockdown with minimal outdoor activities due to the rapid rise of COVID-19 – 19 positive cases.

Ministry was almost put on hold but due to no contact but we managed to keep kids active and leaders active through social media bible quiz and making funny videos to keep everyone mentally healthy. I have seen how youth and leaders became very withdrawn and lacked the drive to live as normal life and provision from their parent came to a standstill with no fishing able to take place. Kids school days were limited to 2 days a week with only 4-hour class time which I hope won’t bring negative year end results.

Connecting, Consulting and building church and recreational ministry was physically non-existent the past few months and it forced us to spend a lot more on data (South Africa don’t have free WIFI for public) to keep ministry going in the form of various social media platform. This brough about a challenge as majority of our youth don’t have cellphones and my African leaders all over Africa don’t have access to free WiFi! The past few months taught me a lot of patience with others and made me realize how fortunate I am to afford data & appreciate life more.

We are thankful to our disciples and youth who continue to remain positive during these times and I love the way my youngest son, Blake, uses social media to make people laugh at his funny videos. He’s really leading the youth in many ways. My eldest son, Lyle is showing great leadership as he connects with the youth leaders at school during interval times and then reports to me how they are doing. My wife continues her prayer and mentor sessions with youth parents (mostly moms) via social media so I am very thankful to my family for supporting the ministry to continue to lead strongly. More importantly, we very much thankful to all around the Globe who continue to believe in us and who continue to support our walk with the Lord, WE THANK YOU! I Believe GOD’s Favor will put you in places that money can’t!

I decided as the African Leader that we will finish 2020 very strong and live daily our best lives by not limiting ourselves to what the world is throwing at us with this global pandemic. We abide by government rules but we embracing other forms and ways to connect with people and churches from our home. Daily we decide to make the best of everyday as we physically experiencing a lot of death within our family and friends through thus COVID-19 -19 season. We know GOD is keeping us alive to be the light in this season of panic, unknown, fearful & violent times. If you able to read this then know that you have a massive purpose to be living and I urge you to find that special purpose GOD has set apart just for you!

During the global pandemic we encouraged by this verse Philippians 4:8 and would like to share it: FIX YOUR THOUGHTS on what is true, honorable and right and pure.

I consulted, connected with and challenged the youth and African leaders in sport & recreational ministry to remain relevant to society as children of GOD via social media so that Hope can be seen!

We are preparing for Christmas Kids Camp 11-15 December due to Amazing support, GOD BLESS YOU!